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Cosmic Communists - Alexander Dvorkin

The sect Communist - Unification - Rule over All (vsevolod) - in short CURA - is centred in Volgograd - the former Stalingrad. Its members consider themselves a party, or rather the Party of Unification of All Faiths, Peoples and Nations, also known as the Party of Cosmic Communists. It has its own charter and party rules, party cards (with portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Christ), a party anthem and a party school.

In spite of its name CURA does not cooperate with the local communist parties, and sees itself as very different from them. The cult members believe that the other communist parties are not "truly communist":

"Communist is the one who goes to the people and not from them. And the parties go from people to the power, they do not do the purification of the planet and the people", say CURA members.
A Religious Communist Party

The most important difference is in the fact that CURA is a religious communist party. "Lenin and God is one essence - the goodness", says the party official "leader" Vera Grischenkova, "And the goodness will save the world".

The party anthem, sang on the motif of the famous communist song, runs as follows:
People of the Planet, arise,
And march forward with courage,
The Party of Lenin is with us,
Christ will show us our way.
We hear the roaring of thunder,
We hear the voice of the Creator.
"Your path is thorny and difficult,
But you must walk it to the very end "
We will obtain happiness for everybody,
We will pour love in all souls,
And we will again carry love
To the other planets".

The secretary of the organization Zoya Lemke (formerly the CPSU local leader at one of the large city plants) claims that the text of the song was dictated to her by the Higher Intelligence in the course of the telepathic communication. This happened in June 1995, two years after the same Higher Intelligence has advised the telepathy-minded comrades to organize the Communist Party in Volgograd. Mrs Vera Grischenkova who has received that message, says that she hears cosmic voices which convey to her "the information from the Higher Intelligence" very clearly, as if by the telephone.
The Deification of Marx and Lenin

Since 1993 the circle of fifty to sixty Volgogradians - admirers of Mme Blavatsky, Roerichs, Nostradamus, Porfiry Ivanov, Sri Aurobindo and others of this kind (including even the priest Alexander Menn )- began to study the writings of classics of Marxism-Leninism. The collected works of Lenin and Marx/Engels were pronounced to be "sacred texts" and the esoteric circle was transformed into the Party of Cosmic Communists.

The headquarters of the Party are decorated by Crucifixes, icons and the portraits of the founders of the scientific Communism. Everything is considered to be "the treasures of the Party". At the end of a party meeting the adepts light the candles and begin to pray. Out of the classic Christian prayers they recognize only "Our Father" and "Hail Mary". Other Orthodox prayers they consider to be "unbiblical" and "wrongl"

The charter of the party says: "fulfilling the commandments given by Moses and supplemented by Jesus Christ and Buddha, and developing the ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, the Party acts as the channel of ideas of the Higher Intelligence who is the limitless source of knowledge". The final goal is "to create by the way of non-violence the societal formation similar to the Hierarchy of light - that is communism".

According to the leaders of the Party the members of CURA are the living channels of the "bright ideas and love" who work "according to the instructions of the Intelligence of the Universe". The main slogan of the new communists, printed on their party cards is: "The Higher intelligence and Party are one" (compare to the main slogan of CPSU - Lenin and Party are one, - A. L).). One of the main immediate tasks of the Party members is "to teach the people to defend themselves from the Absurdity" because it carries negative energy.
The Religious Leaders

At the head of the Cosmic Communists there are three persons firsts among equals! Already mentioned "secretary" Mrs Lemke and the "leader" Mrs Grischenkova share their top position with the "chairman" of the organization and its main ideologist Mr Mikhail Botnar, a manual therapist by trade. They were appointed to their lofty posts by the Higher Intelligence. Mrs Grischenkova says of herself and her party comrades: "We are those biblical righteous ones who will save the city"

The top "troika" teaches at the Party School where the discipline is very strict and the structure is very authoritarian. The teachers help every party member to open the personal channels of connection with the cosmos. Only those who fulfil all the commandments of the Cosmic Communism can do it.

Even the word communism itself, claim the cult members, carries in itself the positive charge of energy which helps a human being in his development and existence on earth in his fight with "karmic dispositions" and "negative energy".
The Sect in Society

Most of the cult members are from the lowest strata of society and lead a very poor life. They find refuge from their present desperate situation in their former incarnations. They believe that in their former lives they were great personalities: Mayakovsky, Suvorov, Engels etc.

The "class enemy" of CURA is the negative energy and the "class ally" is the healthy life style. According to the leading comrades the piety directly follows from the purity of bowels. In order to achieve these virtues the following obligatory methods are used: frequent and abundant enemas and outside ice-cold water showers (no matter winter or summer, rain or snow), prayers and manipulations with the lit candles.

Quite interesting are the prayers all of which, of course, were word for word dictated by the Higher Intelligence. Written in the form of rimes they are dedicated to the various aspects of the personal life of the party members. For example here is the "healing prayer" for the bladder problems:

The Sun shines very bright,
I heal myself with energy,
I would like very much to heal myself
So nothing inside of me would hurt
I am healing my bladder.

If a Party member cannot get rid of the cockroaches he should use another prayer:

Sham- Tam-Cock-Cor-Bey
Let the cockroach go away!

The special mantras, say the Party members, give a very good result. If you want to get a new apartment, you should use the following mantra: Mene-Mene- Mens- eon-Zeon-Sens.
The Lenin-Cult

The very special place in the CURA teaching is dedicated to the figure of Vladimir Illich Lenin. According to the cult members, the name of Lenin, just as the word communism, is a source of the positive energy which helps to purify human nature.

About three years ago a mother with a little son came to the meeting of CURA. She had heard before that they are spiritually advanced people and can heal by prayer. Her son was getting ill very often, and she asked the Cosmic Communists to heal the boy. The cultists immediately entered into contact with the Higher Intelligence who duly informed them that the boy is no less then the new incarnation of Lenin. All his diseases are the result of the "enormous energy resources which are breaking from within the young organism which has not adjusted to it yet" Mr Mikhail Botnar claims that "little Lenin" now lives a quiet childhood in a village in the Volgograd province, waiting for his advent. Now he is about ten years old. But the Cosmic Intelligence also told Mrs Grischenkova that Christ is also here on Earth - in the hypostasis of a twenty-four years-old girl.

"…the Cosmic Intelligence also told Mrs Grischenkova that Christ is also here on Earth - in the hypostasis of a twenty-four years-old girl".
The Future of the Sect

The information about the Party of Communist - Unification - Rule over AII (vsevolod) is being spread wider and wider in Volgograd. The cultists plan to participate in the next elections. For this the Cosmic Communists need the official registration, and now they are actively trying to get it. They hope to spread their ideas throughout all Russia. And this is not an absolutely insane plan: in this time of social upheaval, the pauperization of the large segments of the population, the nostalgia for the former times and prosperity not only of the religious education but even the desire to get it - their ideas find a receptive audience.

According to the data of the cult itself, between 1993 and 1997 over six thousand people passed through their Party school. Moreover, when at the beginning of this year the local Volgograd TV station aired a slightly ironic report about CURA, it was flooded by phone calls and letters: people asked how they can enter such a great party and asked for its address. So it seems that the Cosmic Communists might be bound to the cosmic success.

(The paper is written on the basis of publications in Izvestia, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, and Vechernyaya Moskva newspapers, as well as the Russian TV reports.)