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Explanation of the Invocation

In the expression of "I bow down" I feel myself rising to identify with the dignity of the Supreme and its creative intelligence of Cosmic life, through the form of Guru Dev, the expression of purity, Kindness incarnate, the essence of creation the adornment of Brahman, the Supreme.
Gurur Brahma

Guru Dev is adored as Brahma the creator, because he is the creator of all good, through knowledge he inspires all good greatness and eternal life. Through knowledge he inspires creation of balance between experience and understanding - mind and heart.
Gurur Vishnur

Guru Dev is adorned as Lord Vishnu, the maintainer of creation. Through knowledge he inspires the maintenance of all good in life. Through knowledge he inspires maintenance of balance between experience and understanding of reality, which provides a basis to the stability of all good.
Gurur Devo Maheshvara

Guru Dev is adored as the Great Lord Shiva the destroyer of ignorance, which offers resistance to creation and maintenance of all good. Through knowledge he inspires the destruction of all ignorance which hinders creation and maintenance of all good. Through knowledge he inspires the destruction of imbalance between experience and understanding and thereby sets the heart and mind to flow in harmony.

Having offered adoration to Guru Dev in the light of the three supreme powers of relative life, devotion rises to adore Him in the light of Brahman the Supreme.

Guru Dev is adored as Brahman the Supreme, the eternal source of all. Through knowledge he inspires the supreme state of life, he inspires the oneness of the relative and the Absolute to become a living reality and brings full integration to the spheres of experience and understanding, both heart and mind flow in perfect harmony and eternal unity of life.

"Shri Brahmanadam" - The Bliss of the Absolute. Guru Dev’s name - Shri Brahamananda Saraswati is characterized in the meaning of "The Bliss of the Absolute". Guru Dev is adored as Bliss of the Absolute, Transcendental by and embodiment of pure knowledge. Beyond the universe, like the sky, as the goal of "That thou art" and other (Shrutis which grant eternal unity).